Custom Challenge Coin of the Month- February 2019
Custom Challenge Coin- Marine Corps Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Teams
December’s custom challenge coins belong to an elite part of the Marine Corps, the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Teams or FAST. The soldiers who serve on these teams are highly trained and immensely skilled. Fleet Antiterrorism Security Teams specialize in preventing, identifying and defending against threats to the United States and its territories. However, the main focus of FAST is antiterrorism. These particular custom military coins were designed for the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team Command Europe while they were stationed in Rota, Spain.
The soldiers of FAST are highly trained and of the utmost caliber. In order to both prevent and protect against possible threats these soldiers are trained in counter surveillance. Like all soldiers these teams are combat trained but FAST members are accomplished well beyond the average soldier. They specialize in urban combat techniques, close quarter combat and martial arts. The mission’s FAST members respond to can only be completed with the highest skill levels. This means that not just any corpsman can be a part of FAST, only those who both complete and excel in training can rise to the FAST ranks. The threats they face have no option for failure, and therefore, only the elect are among the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Teams.
FAST teams frequently serve as protection for US embassies all over the world and provide training for other security forces. Many of these teams are forward deployed at naval bases across the globe and there are always FAST teams on standby in case of unpredictable events. These units play a vital role in the security of our nation. The threats these soldiers face are dire and yet they meet them head on and without hesitation. Their skill level can only be matched by their bravery.
These military challenge coins are both full of meaning and appealing to the eye. For the teams who go above and beyond only the greatest of quality will do and Unit Coins delivers just that with these military coins. Featuring brass plating with color on both sides these custom challenge coins hold beautiful detailing. What sets these custom military coins apart is the special function they serve. Should a soldier find himself with a cold brew and no bottle opener these military challenge coins are the solution to the problem. The level of quality upheld by the challenge coin maker, Unit Coins, is not only displayed in the beauty of these custom coins but also the strategic design needed in order for such small custom challenge coins to function effectively as bottle openers. At only 2.5” long by 15/8” these custom military coins may not be large but they are well made and quite strong.
Like all military challenge coins these hold special meaning for those whom they are presented to. To the civilian, the custom challenge coin tradition may seem superfluous but those who serve understand the levity behind the practice. These military challenge coins are not simply given; they are earned with dedication and service that goes beyond expectation. The recipients of these custom military coins honor us with their service and Unit Coins returns that honor by providing only the utmost in quality custom military challenge coins.